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CLICK ON PROVIDER NAME (BLUE LINK) TO GENERATE VERIFICATION LETTER. The Ardent Health Services Online Verification web site is intended to provide information about provider credentialing. You assume full responsibility for using the information on this site, and you understand and agree that Ardent Health Services and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for any claim, loss, or damage resulting from its use by you or any user. While we try to keep the information on the site as accurate as possible, we disclaim any warranty concerning its accuracy, timeliness, and completeness, and any other warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Ardent Health Services Office of Compliance and Regulatory also does not warrant that access to the site will be error- or virus-free. Material on the Ardent Health Services Medical Staff Services Verification web site is protected by confidentiality and copyright laws. Users may print information from this site for provider credentialing purposes only.
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